
This tutorial will give you some advice on how to install and use the smd application.


To use smd you need to have Python 3 installed in your machine. To know if you have python installed run the following command in your terminal:

$ python3 --version

If you don’t see a message like “Python 3.X.X” you have to install Python 3, for help installing it, read this python installation guide.


The more easy way to install smd is using pip, open your terminal and execute the following command:

$ pip3 install smd


$ python3 -m pip install smd

To install smd from source extract the file smd-X.X.X.tar.gz (where X represents the version numbers), then open your terminal inside the extracted folder and execute the following command:

$ python3 setup.py install

Once installed, the command smd should be available in your terminal. To test if the application was installed correctly, run the following command:

$ smd --help


$ python3 -m smd --help

You should see the smd help.


If you have troubles with the installation read this tutorial about installing packages in python.


To check for new versions of smd and upgrade it use the following command:

$ pip3 install --upgrade smd


$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade smd

Quick start

This section have some examples to showcase the most common uses of smd.

To select site and manga interactively just run:

$ smd

To select site interactively and search (and download) ‘One Piece’:

$ smd 'One Piece'

To search mangaall.net for mangas containing the word ‘love’ in its name, and select which one to download interactively:

$ smd -s mangaall love

To select a site with English language, and search/download ‘Bleach’:

$ smd --lang en Bleach

To download from chapter 10th to 20th (ignoring chapter 15th) of ‘Naruto’:

$ smd --chapters '10:20,!15' Naruto


Chapters are enumerated based on they order in the chapter list, so this number may not match the chapter title (e.g. if there are a chapter named “15.5” actually it is the chapter 16 in the list and you should use “smd --chapter 16” to download it)

To download from first chapter to 10th and the last chapter of ‘Death Note’:

$ smd --chapters :10,-1 'Death Note'

To select from a list of previously canceled downloads and continue with them:

$ smd --continue

To continue with the given previously canceled downloads:

$ smd --continue /path/to/the/canceled/download

To select from a list of previously downloaded ongoing mangas and update them:

$ smd --update

To list all supported sites that you can use with the option -s:

$ smd -l

To list supported Spanish sites:

$ smd --lang es -l

To see all available options use:

$ smd -h

SMD data folder

smd creates a folder called smd in your user home folder (on GNU/Linux it is /home/<your user name> on Windows it is C:\Users\<your user name>). Inside this folder is located some useful files like the smd is configuration file and the log files that keep track of errors.

Configuration File

The configuration file is named smd.cfg. At the time the only configurable options are:

  • language: this set the language of the application, can be set to en (English), es (Spanish) or SYSTEM (to use the language of the system, this is the default).
  • manga_dir: use this option to set the path to the folder where the program should download and look for manga folders, by default is set to ‘.’ (dot) which means that the current working directory will be used.

Log files

The log of the more recent execution will be saved on smd.log, when the size of this file grows the older logs are moved to smd.log.1.